A personal code of ethics
We suggest that we all can benefit from the process of articulating our expectations of ourselves.
When the child is ready, give them an important assignment. Ask them to develop their own personal code of ethics - their expectations for their own actions.
This can be used as a discussion point for future sessions with the child. Ask the child if they are living up to their own expectations for themselves. How can they better meet their own standards?
The age will vary
The age when this assignment is appropriate will vary from child to child. We suggest that it will be most effective if you wait until the child has shown receptivity to the Life Lesson process and they understand that their choices and actions define who they will become.
An example code of ethics
An example is shown below.
This is just an example - A starting point
Again, this is just an example. It is provided to provoke thought. We make it available for download with the intention of allowing it to be used as starting point, not as the end product. Ask the child what they expect of themselves. Ask them to adjust their code of ethics to fit their vision of the person they want to become.
Download Personal Code of Ethics: PDF format or Word format
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