Example lessons make it easy to print and/or make changes
This section offers many example lessons for each of several age groups. It includes the ability to download all example lessons for free. The examples can be downloaded in both PDF and Word format and are suitable for immediate printing. If you choose to download the lessons in Word format, you can easily make changes and create new lessons.
What if you don't have a printer?
The Life Lesson process is still valuable even if you do not have a computer printer. You can write the lessons for your child.
The topic of sex has been intentionally omitted
We have intentionally omitted the topic of sex from these examples. While we feel that it is imperative that sex is discussed early and often with all children, it is a very sensitive and controversial topic and we have decided not to include the issues here.
Religious Life Lessons? You decide...
Our founders believe in God and therefore we have included an example lesson in each age group that involves religion. If you do not share that belief, please ignore those lessons. Please do not reject the entire Life Lesson process because a few of the examples do not correspond with your beliefs.
Your unconditional love for the child
Each of the age categories includes one Life Lesson in which you confirm your unconditional love for the child. We feel that this commitment is one of the most important aspects of parenting. If you have not done this in the past we encourage you to adopt this as a ritual in your family.
Tailor each Life Lesson to the child's current growth needs
The examples below are just that – examples. It is important that each message is tailored to the child's situation and growth needs at the current time. Be sure to look at the examples in the age groups older and younger than your child. Different children need different advice at different ages.
There is nothing here that is absolute - just a process you might find valuable... |
The example Life Lessons
Kindergarten & before
Age 6 & 7
Age 8 & 9
Age 10 & 11
Age 12 & 13
Age 14 & 15
Age 16 & 17
Age 18 through college
Early career

Kindergarten & before
- Never tell a lie.
- Never take anything that doesn't belong to you.
- When someone does something for you, always say "thank you".
- Help other people whenever you can.
- Never say bad things about people.
- Keep your room neat and clean.
- If you make a mess, clean it up.
- Use words to say what you want. Never whine!
- If you are mad, say "I'm mad because ______________".
- Never hit or hurt anyone or anything.
- Always obey your parents and teachers.
- Remember to always share. Share your toys, games, snacks . . . everything.
- When you ask for something, always say "please".
- Never take more than your share.
- Always take turns. Never cut in line or take someone else's turn.
- It is important to be kind to sisters and brothers.
- Always know we are very proud of you and we love you very much.
- Remember to say your prayers every day.
Download example Life Lessons for kindergarten and before:
PDF format or Word format

Ages 6 & 7
- Be honest in everything you do. Never lie, cheat or steal.
- Always respect others, even if you disagree with them.
- Help others whenever you can. If you see someone who needs assistance, offer to help.
- Respect authority. Obey your parents, teachers and those who set rules.
- Don't be afraid to try new things. They may be fun and exciting.
- Never hit or hurt anyone or anything.
- Never say you "hate" anything.
- When someone does something for you, no matter how small it is, always thank them.
- If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
- If you disagree with someone, say "but I feel ____________", or "but I want ___________". Never yell or be rude.
- Never litter. Always put trash in the proper place.
- When you ask for something, always say "please".
- If you lose a game, congratulate the winner. Never be a bad sport.
- Follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- When you visit a new place, be sure to leave it a better place because you were there.
- Always do your best at everything you do. Anything worth doing is worth your best effort.
- Always know your family loves you. We all are very proud of you and we all love you very much.
- Thank God for your many blessings. Ask Him to guide you. He is always there to help.
Download example Life Lessons for ages 6 & 7: PDF format or Word format

Ages 8 & 9
- Be honest in everything you do. Never lie, cheat, steal, or take advantage of others.
- Always do your best at everything you do. Anything you do deserves your best effort.
- The world is full of surprises. Don't be afraid to try new things.
- Always respect your mother and father, even if you disagree.
- Approach every situation with the attitude "How can I help?"
- Have the courage to do the right thing, even if others encourage you to do something wrong.
- Have confidence in yourself. Always know you are capable of accomplishing anything.
- If you get angry, wait at least a minute before you react.
- If someone is bullying you, ignore them. No one can make you feel bad unless you let them. If they continue, tell them to back off. If they still continue, tell an adult.
- Learn to jump over the minor problems of life without getting frustrated or angry.
- Never say you "hate" anything. If you don't like something, say "I don't care for ___________" or "I would prefer ___________" or "I would like it better if ___________".
- Gossip is saying something about someone that you wouldn't say if they were listening. Never gossip. (Would you want someone to gossip about you?)
- When someone does something for you, thank them. Do you thank your mom & dad for cooking dinner, taking you to school, taking you on vacation?
- Always be reliable and dependable. Honor your commitments.
- It's great to be able to do things well, but never show off.
- Learn to listen to your conscience. It's the silent voice that tells you what is right and what is wrong.
- Don't say things that hurt people's feelings.
- Always know that we are very proud of you and we love you unconditionally. No matter what, and above all, you are loved.
- God is watching over you every moment of every day. Ask Him to guide you. Thank Him for your many blessings.
Download example Life Lessons for ages 8 & 9: PDF format or Word format

Ages 10 & 11
- Never tell a lie. Be honest in everything you do.
- Never mislead anyone. Always be honest and forthright.
- If you find something that someone has lost, do your very best to find the owner. If you lost something would you want your property returned?
- Cliques are groups of people who feel they are better than others and who don't socialize with people outside the clique. Avoid cliques.
- Do your best at everything you do. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well.
- See the potential good in everything. Keep a positive outlook.
- Don't brag. Let your accomplishments stand for themselves.
- Find friends that share your values.
- Things in life are privileges. No one owes you anything.
- Be confident in yourself. You are wonderful and unique. Never let other people's opinion of you change your feelings about yourself.
- A common mistake in life is to continually fear you will make a mistake. Don't be afraid to try new things.
- Respect your mother and father, even if you disagree and you feel you are right.
- The world is full of surprises. Don't be afraid to experience new things.
- Make your own decisions. Don't give in to peer pressure.
- You can be anything you want to be. Dream big!
- "Keep true. Never be ashamed of doing right. Decide on what you think is right and stick to it." - George Eliot
- Learn from your mistakes. Use each mistake as a way to avoid mistakes in the future.
- Gossip is saying something about someone that you wouldn't say if they were listening. Never gossip. Would you want someone to gossip about you?
- Exercise good judgment. And take responsibility for your choices.
- Be confident in our love for you. No matter what happens throughout your life, always know we love you and are very proud of you.
- Live every moment of your life as if God is watching. P.S. He is!
Download example Life Lessons for ages 10 & 11: PDF format or Word format

Ages 12 & 13
- Never think it's ok to lie. Not even if a friend asks you to lie to keep them out of trouble. Not even to get yourself out of trouble. Never lie!
- It is never ok to steal. Not even if you need it. Not even if the person has more than you. Not even if it is from a big profitable company. Not even if it won't be missed. Never steal!
- Successful people aren't people without problems. They are people who have learned to solve their problems.
- Have confidence in yourself. Never allow others to make you believe you are inferior in any way.
- "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Einstein
- Just say "no" to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
- The harder you work, the luckier you get.
- "Show me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are" - Spanish proverb
- Praise loudly. Blame softly.
- Life won't always go exactly as you want. Learn to forgive others for letting you down. Minimize disappointments by quickly moving on to the next phase of your life.
- Never judge others. Would you want them to judge you?
- "Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone expects of you. Never excuse yourself." Henry Ward Beecher
- Lead wisely and others will follow.
- "To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice." - Confucius
- Never allow a person's race or religion affect your relationship with the person or your opinion of them.
- Never believe that because someone has more than you have, they owe you something.
- Never get angry at someone when they offer help or advice and you don't think you need the help or advice.
- When you borrow something from someone, make sure it is returned promptly and in good condition.
- Have the courage to think for yourself. Don't ever feel you are required to follow other's lead.
- Never believe others are inferior because they don't know something that you know or they don't have something you have.
- Don't procrastinate. Never leave projects for the last minute.
- "Learn to accept minor aggravations in silence." Sir William Osler
- The greatest remedy for anger is delay.
- Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional.
- "Nothing would be done at all if we waited until we could do it so well no one could find fault in it." Cardinal Newman
- Always count on our love for you. We love you no matter what happens in your life. You are loved unconditionally.
- Always know that God loves you. Always know you can ask Him to guide you. Thank Him for your many blessings.
Download example Life Lessons for ages 12 & 13: PDF format or Word format

Ages 14 & 15
- Never lie. Even a "white lie" compromises your integrity.
- Never mislead, manipulate or take advantage of anyone.
- Never ridicule or intentionally hurt others.
- Don't procrastinate! Set a date before a project is due. Commit to getting the project done by your due date. Then use the extra time to refine and improve the project. You will be more successful, less apprehensive, and get better results.
- Take responsibility for your education. Go to school every day even if you can get away with skipping. Commit to doing your best in high school and getting into the college that is best for you.
- Don't let desire for popularity or peer pressure push you into anything. The most successful and popular people make their own decisions.
- Smoking is addictive. Once you start you are the victim of the cigarette companies. They add ingredients that make it very difficult to stop. And it kills. Don't smoke!
- Have confidence in everything you do. Believe you can do anything. You can!
- "Modesty is a virtue. Bashfulness is a vice." Benjamin Franklin
- "In the long run we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The choices we make are our responsibility." Eleanor Roosevelt
- Alcohol causes people to have bad judgment but makes them think they can't do wrong. Alcohol frequently results in situations where a person makes bad choices or someone can take advantage of them. Don't drink!
- Say "thank you" sincerely and often to the many people who do so much for you. Verbalize your appreciation for those who care for you. Never take your blessings for granted.
- "While life occasionally makes it appear otherwise, no one has control over your life . . . but you. Make decisions with care, because in the end, you have only yourself to blame for the outcome." Mercedes Browning
- Don't be naïve. Be careful not to let people take advantage of you.
- Just say "No" to drugs. Even one time can hurt you, make you addicted, or even kill you.
- Be responsible to your employers. When you commit to a job, make sure you follow it through. Always try to exceed your employer's expectations.
- If you do something better than others, be humble. Never believe it makes you better than others.
- Things you say about someone else are more a reflection of you than the person you are talking about.
- "Be bold about your actions. All life is an experiment." - Author unknown
- "If you don't stand up for something, you will fall for anything." - Author unknown
- Congratulations on a great year in school! Now, commit yourself to even better grades next year. Learn from your mistakes. What would you do different if you had the chance? Be committed to improving.
- Never judge others. Accept people for who they are.
- More is not always better.
- Treat problems as opportunities. Look at problems as the next challenge in your life.
- Approach every situation with the "How can I help" attitude. Look for ways to help others.
- Know that we love you unconditionally. No matter what happens in your life we love you.
- Get comfortable with a dialog with God. Pray regularly. Ask God to guide and protect you. Thank God for your many blessings.
Download example Life Lessons for ages 14 & 15: PDF format or Word format

Ages 16 & 17
- It is never ok to lie, cheat, or steal. Never.
- Never take advantage of others.
- If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true.
- "Under promise. Over deliver." Rudi Giuliani
- "If there is no wind, row." Latin Proverb
- Seek leadership opportunities. Lead with confidence. And always lead in the "right" direction. Take responsibility for your leadership.
- Don't procrasti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nate.
- Be a good citizen. Find ways to serve your community.
- "It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance." - Tomas Huxley
- Develop the instinct to immediately know if someone you meet will be a good or bad influence on you. Trust your instinct. Then do your best to avoid those who are negative and pursue relationships with those who are positive.
- Have the courage to stand up for what you believe is right. Never let other's morals or ethics alter yours.
- It's great to be beautiful. But never let beauty be the objective of your life. Use your beauty to help you reach your real objectives.
- "Every noble work is at first impossible." Thomas Carlyle
- Assume that every photograph and every video of you will end up on the internet. Never allow yourself to be compromised.
- Never allow yourself to believe you are better than others. Be confident in yourself, but always respect the differences that make each of us unique.
- If you see a friend making poor decisions, have the courage to offer advice. Explain it is in their best interest.
- Never get into a car if the driver has had even the smallest amount of alcohol. Have the courage to say "no".
- When life gives you lemons, learn to make lemonade.
- "Great people are those who make others feel that they too can become great." Mark Twain
- Organize! Find a place for everything and keep everything in its place.
- Take responsibility for your education. Decide what you want to study in college and do your best to get into the school that is best for you.
- Be confident in our love for you. We love you unconditionally. No matter what happens in your life, we will always love you.
- Be comfortable with a regular dialog with God. Pray regularly. Ask God to guide and protect you. Thank God for your many blessings.
Download example Life Lessons for ages 16 & 17: PDF format or Word format

Age 18 through college
- Your integrity shapes who you are. You either have integrity or you don't. You are either honest or you aren't. There is no middle ground.
- Take responsibility for your college education. Commit to doing your best and preparing yourself for your career.
- College moves much faster than high school and it is nearly impossible to catch up if you get behind. Get your homework done before you play.
- Let your teachers know you are dedicated to the best grades. Then follow through with your commitment.
- Be strong in your leadership. Offer counsel to those who will benefit from your advice. And always lead in the "right" direction.
- Seek counsel from those who have knowledge and experience that will benefit you. Consider this: If someone asks you for advice, it is likely that you will feel complemented because they value your opinion. Compliment others by asking for their advice.
- Never allow yourself to believe you are better than others. Be confident in yourself, but always respect the differences that make each of us unique.
- "Leap, and the net will appear." - Les Brown
- Never "burn your bridges". You never know when you will need a friend or a recommendation.
- Have the courage to stand up for what you believe is right. Never let other's morals and ethics alter yours.
- Lead with courage and conviction. Be confident you have the power to change the world.
- Learn from your mistakes. Use each mistake in your life as a learning experience.
- "Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
- Be confident of our love for you. No matter what happens in your life always know that we love you unconditionally.
- Continue your regular dialog with God. Understand the depth of your religious views. Share your thoughts with others of different faiths. Develop an understanding and an appreciation for other's beliefs.
Download example Life Lessons for age 18 through college:
PDF format or Word format

Early career
- Your integrity defines who you are. You either have integrity or you don't. You are either honest or you aren't. There is no middle ground.
- Your first job sets the tone for your entire career. Dedicate yourself to success. Don't accept anything else.
- Set higher goals for yourself than others expect of you. Try to exceed your employer's expectations.
- Be loyal to your employer and those who direct your work. Never say disparaging remarks about them. Work in their best interest.
- Take responsibility for your mistakes. Openly accept responsibility without becoming defensive or shifting blame to others.
- Approach problems as opportunities. Maintain a positive outlook.
- Take ownership for the quality of everything you do. Even small issues can affect your reputation.
- Be the best, yet remain humble. Never arrogant. Never "above" others.
- Establish and maintain positive professional relationships. Respect your co-workers, even when you don't share their opinion.
- Everyone likes some elements of their job more than others. Approach all of your assigned tasks with responsibility and a sense of urgency, not just those tasks that you enjoy most.
- Maintain an organized and clean work environment.
- Dedicate yourself to your career growth. Continually strive to improve your skills.
- Learning comes easiest and fastest when you admit to yourself you don't know everything. You will continue learning new things your entire career. Dedicate yourself to always learning.
- Strive to minimize your employer's costs and work to increase the value/effectiveness of the organization.
- Be patient when dealing with those who have less knowledge.
- Dedicate yourself to the highest ethics, and success will find you.
- Be proactive in finding mentors to guide and accelerate your career. Develop the instinct to find the "right" mentors who will be a positive influence. Ask them specific questions. Learn as much as you can from them.
- Be responsive to suggestions for work improvement. Expect your superiors to give you guidance. Listen carefully to what they say. Do your best to accommodate their suggestions. Don't become defensive. Never believe you don't need to improve.
- Keep yourself fit. Take responsibility for your physical condition and health. Commit to a regular exercise program for the rest of your life.
- Be charitable. Share with others who will benefit most.
- Be thrifty. Strive to save at least 10% of every dollar that you earn.
- Develop a sense of community service. Adopt a project that improves the community. Devote time to making the world a better place.
- Be confident of our love. No matter what happens in your life always know that we love you unconditionally.
- Continue your regular dialog with God. Take an active role in leading others in spiritual issues.
Download example Life Lessons for early career: PDF format or Word format |
Different children need different advice at different ages. It is a good idea to also review lessons for the age groups older and younger than your child. |